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5 Healthy Vegetables for your Little Angel.

Use this vegetables list of healthy toddler food as inspiration for when you plan your family’s meals.

1. Beets

  • Beets are containing with Vitamin B, Potassium, Magnesium and copper.

  • Beets also contain Betalains (class of red and yellow tyrosine-derived pigments), which helps to reduce free radicals and inflammation in your body.

  • Beets help aid digestion.

  • Beet is a good source of fibre. One cup of beet contains 3.4 grams of fibre

  • Beets also rich in iron. 100 grams of beet contain 0.8 milligrams of iron.

2. Carrots

  • Carrot is rich in beta carotene. Our human body converts this beta carotene in to Vitamin A. This is an essential nutrient that help to healthy growth in toddlers.

  • Vitamin A helps to improve your child’s vision.

  • Carrots are containing with Vitamin B6, thiamin and niacin.

  • Carrots have dietary fibre. 100 grams of carrots contains 2.8 grams of dietary fibre. This slows the absorption of sugar in to the bloodstream.

  • Carrots helps to cure the diarrhea.

3. Green Beans

  • Green beans contain protein, which helps to maintain your child’s healthy bones and hair.

  • Green beans contain Vitamin A, which supports your child’s skin, eyes and immune system.

  • Vitamin C which contains in green beans help to have healthy immune system and respiratory system.

  • Green beans contain Vitamin B2, which helps your child’s body to produce energy and also very important for baby bones and nerve development.

4. Ladies Fingers or Okra

  • Ladies fingers contain with Vitamin K, which is good for healthy blood. Regular consumption of okra increases blood count.

  • It contains folic acid which helps for cell growth.

  • Ladies fingers or Okra contains Vitamin B6 and also Vitamin C.

  • Ladies fingers are one of the best food to cure the diarrhea and dysentery of your child.

  • Ladies fingers also a good source of dietary fibre which enables smooth bowel movement in your child and reduces the risk of constipation.

5. Snake Gourd

  • Snake guard is containing lots of Vitamins like, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C and also Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, manganese, iodine and potassium. Therefore, snake guard helps to reduce the fever.

  • Vitamin A in Snake guard supports your child’s skin, eyes and immune system.

  • Snake guard is one of a good remedy for digestive issues,

  • Snake guard is rich in Protein which helps your child’s growth and development.

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